Golden Aster and Western Meadowlark


Posted by Michelle Vidotto | Posted in Social | Posted on May 12, 2015

Students are creating videos using the Book Creator App to research plants and animals located in the Prairies.

If I Had the Last Truffula Seed


Posted by martinw1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 11, 2015

humming fishIf I had the last Truffula seed from the Once-ler, I would go home and plant it in a pot with clean soil and clean water. When the Truffula seed had grown a meter high, I planted it outside in my garden with healthy soil. I watered it every day. It took several weeks, but the seed finally gave Truffula fruits. I took some Truffula seeds from the Truffula fruits. Then I planted them in the forest.

I decided to live in the forest with the Lorax. The Lorax and I watered the Truffula trees every day. The Lorax and I decided we would look for the Bar-ba-loots, the Humming-Fish, and the Swomee-Swans.

We looked for them all over town. We made a map so that we didn’t get lost in the forest. That way we kept track of where we went.

We put clean water in the pond so that the Humming-Fish could swim in the pond, the Bar-ba-loots would be able to eat Truffula fruits again, and the Swomee-Swans would be able to fly in the fresh air. People had to ask for permission to cut down a Truffula tree. The rule was if you took the seeds out of the Truffula fruits, you had to plant the seed to have your own Truffula tree.                                            

Silver Sagebrush and Pronghorn Antelope


Posted by Michelle Vidotto | Posted in Social | Posted on May 11, 2015

Students are creating videos using the Book Creator App to research plants and animals located in the Prairies.

If I Had the Last Truffula Seed


Posted by saraf1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 8, 2015

If I had the last Truffula seed from the Once-ler I would keep it safe in my pocket. I’d plant it in a very safe spot where the soil is clean, Grickle-grass grows, and take excellent care of it. I would feed it clean water, fresh air, and sunlight. Once the tree has grown larger I would carefully pick the seeds from Truffula tree and plant them in clean soil. Once the Truffula fruits are growing on the trees again and there is a shadow underneath the trees.

Once there is a forest of Truffula trees I would go look for the Lorax and his friends. I will start by looking in the forest of Truffula trees. I couldn’t find him anywhere, so I wanted to go home and think where he might be. I was only a few steps away when I heard a snore coming from the trees. I went to see what it was. I saw the little Lorax sleeping in the shadow of a tree. Suddenly, he woke up from his little nap and yawned with a happy sigh. Then he remarked to me, “Thank you for replanting the beautiful Truffula trees.” I was very happy to see that the Lorax had returned. Then something popped into my mind. Where were the Humming-Fish that hummed in the water, the Swomee-Swans that sang so sweetly in the air, and the Bar-ba-loots that played in their Bar-ba-loots suits in the shade of the trees and enjoyed eating Truffula fruits? It felt like he had read my mind because the Lorax answered, “My friends the Humming-Fish, Swomee-Swans, and the Bar-ba-loots are on there way. I can’t wait to meet them here again. “My name is the Lorax. I spoke for the trees a long time ago.” “My name is Sara,” I mumbled. I wondered when the animals would come back home where they belonged?

Suddenly, I heard sweet singing coming from behind me. I looked behind me and saw the Somee-Swans flying in the air joyfully. Next, I heard someone humming by the pond, but when I looked there was no one there. Then I saw the Humming-Fish swimming in the clear water with smiles. I heard munching in the Truffula trees. I looked up and saw the Bar-ba-loots eating Truffula fruits and playing in the shade in their Bar-ba-loot suits. The sun was again shining down on the ground and the air smelled like butterfly milk again. The Lorax looked at his friends as they happily played. Then he looked at me and remarked in a gleeful voice, “Thank you very much. I am glad you spoke for the trees.” I was glad I could help.                                                      


   humming fishloraxThe Lorax

If I Had the Last Truffula Seed


Posted by nancyb1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 7, 2015


                                                                                  If I Had The Last Truffula Seed

                                                                                            By: Nancy

     If I had the last Truffula seed I would plant it in a vase. I decided to look for the Lorax. I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find him. I decided to go home and look for the Lorax tomorrow. Suddenly, I heard someone coming behind me. I thought it was the Once-ler, so I turned around, but then I noticed it was the Lorax. I was so surprised that it was the Lorax. I asked if he would help me clean up the once beautiful Truffula forest? He replied, “Of course.”  

 We started with the Humming- Fish pond. We created a machine that drank all the dirty water, removed all the pollution out of the air, and planted more seeds after we had taken care of growing the first Truffula seed. The Lorax and I built the machine with all the scraps we could find. After all the dirty water was gone, we put new water in the pond. We removed all of the pollution out of the air with the machine. We planted thousands of Truffula seeds.

When all of the Truffula trees were fully grown the Humming- Fish smelled the fresh water, the Swomee-Swans smelled the fresh clean air, and the Bar-ba- loots smelled the fresh Truffula trees. All of the animals that once lived in the Truffula forest followed all of the smells. They were all back where they belonged.

3R’s iMovie


Posted by Michelle Vidotto | Posted in Grade 4 Science | Posted on May 7, 2015

Enjoy the 3R’s iMovie created by Ernie, Johan, and John.  

If I Had the Last Truffula Seed


Posted by dylanp1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 7, 2015

humming fish picture

 If I Had The Last Truffula Seed…

By: Dylan

If I had the last Truffula seed, I would bring it home and put it in a safe place. After I got the seed from the Once-ler I thought I should find the Lorax to help me grow the Truffula seed. I went to The Street of The Lifted Lorax and looked around. I saw nothing.  I walked around. Then I saw something yellow sitting in the Grickle-grass. It was the Lorax! I ran to him and exclaimed, “Lorax will you help me grow the last Truffula seed?”   “Yes I will help you grow the Truffula seed,” he exclaimed. “Let’s go home and plant it,” the Lorax yelled.

We arrived at The Street of the Lifted Lorax and planted it in the ground. “Let’s water it with cold fresh water and give it fresh soft soil,” I remarked. “Alright, I’ll get the soil and the water,” the Lorax replied as he was sprinting to the hose. After we watered the Truffula seed we went to bed.

In the morning, we went to water the Truffula seed and we saw the Truffula tufts on the top of the tree! It was amazing.  They did feel like silk and smelled like butterfly milk just like the Once-ler had said!

After a couple of weeks the Truffula seed turned into a Truffula tree and we got the seeds that were in the Truffula fruits. We planted many of the Truffula trees at The Street of the Lifted Lorax and in town.  We went around watering them all day till dark. 

The Lorax and I decided that The Street of the Lifted Lorax was beginning to look beautiful again; we decided to find animals that once lived here.  First we decided to search for the Bar-ba-loots. We went a long way out town.  Finally, in the distance we saw something brown.  We saw many brown fluffy things. We started to run and follow them.  It was the Bar-ba-loots! We told the Bar-ba-loots we had grown many Truffula trees because the Once-ler had saved on last Truffula seed.  The place where they once lived was beautiful again.   The Bar-ba-loots looked so excited.  They followed us back home.   When we arrived, the Bar-ba-loots ate so many Truffula fruits until they could not eat anymore.

After we found the Bar-ba-loots we decided we should find the Humming-Fish.  We went the same way, but farther down where there was a pond. We noticed the Humming-Fish. They were swimming in a dirty pond.  They looked unhealthy. We explained to them that we have made the place where they once lived beautiful again. They looked so surprised and started to hum a song of joy.

The following day, we went to The Street of The Lifted Lorax.  The Humming-Fish were humming again and the Bar-ba-loots were eating Truffula fruits.  The Lorax was worried about the Swomee-Swans, so we decided to look for them.  “We might not find them today. I will pack some sleeping bags and food” I remarked to the Lorax. We walked quite far out of town, but we didn’t find them.  It was getting dark so we laid down our sleeping bags and went to bed.

The next day, the Lorax and I kept searching.  We walked miles. We saw something in the air.   It looked like a flock. It was the Swomee-Swans.  We screamed at the top of our lungs come down, come down.  They came down and looked puzzled as to why the Lorax and I would be looking for them. The Lorax explained that the Street of the Lifted Lorax is beautiful again and they could return again.  The Swomee-Swans flapped their wings in excitement.  We started heading back, but it was getting dark and we camped another night.

In the morning, we started heading back to town. When we got back to town the Swomee-Swans flew off.  The Lorax and I started to relax.  Everything was back to normal.  The Once-ler opened the door and came outside and looked around.  He told us that we did an excellent job.  He also told us he learned how terrible his actions were for destroying the environment.




Truffula Seed Story


Posted by heidif1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 6, 2015

                          If I Had the Last Truffula Seed 

             By: Heidi

     If I had the last Truffula seed I would put it in a plastic container. I would go to the street of the Lifted Lorax and find the Lorax. I found him on a stump of a Truffula tree. I asked him if he would like to help me plant the last Truffula seed. The first thing the Lorax asked was where I found the last Truffula seed? I told the Lorax the Once-ler gave it to me after he explained the story of how beautiful the Truffula forest once was. There were Humming-Fish humming in the clear crystal water, Swomee- Swans flying in the blue sky, and the brown Bar-ba-loots eating Truffula fruits. The Lorax gave me a funny look, and then he jumped up and exclaimed, “Come on.”swomee swan

     We went to my house and I showed him my Truffula seed in the container. We planted the seed in a pot. Each day we gave it water, gave it sunlight, and gave it fresh air. Overtime the Truffula seed grew bigger until it became a tree. The Lorax picked of a fruit and I cut it open. We took out the seeds and I ate the fruit, it was delicious!

     The next day we went to the street of the lifted Lorax. I dug the holes where the seeds went in, and the Lorax put the seeds in. After I closed the holes the Lorax watered the seeds. Every day we came and took care of them until they grew into trees. I looked at the Truffula tufts and then I looked down and the Lorax was gone. I noticed something in the sky. It was the Lorax! The Lorax lifted himself into the air and disappeared through a hole in the smog. I decided to come back tomorrow.

I came back and all the smog was gone. It was gone because of the Truffula trees. The Truffula tree’s tufts let in the smog and let out fresh air, so it cleaned the sky. Soon the Swomee-Swans where flying in the sky because the smog was gone. The Bar-ba-loots came back and they started to eat the Truffula fruits and play together. The Humming-Fish where humming in the water. The Truffula forest became a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was beautiful! No one ever harmed the Truffula forest again!


THE END!truffula-trees-lorax


Truffula Seed Story


Posted by tinar1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 6, 2015

the loraxIf I Had The Last Truffula Seed . . .
                                                                                                                  By: Tina
If I had the last Truffula seed, I would take the seed and keep it in a safe drawer.  I would go find the Lorax so that we could go plant the Truffula tree. I went to my room, took the seed that the Once-ler gave to me, and went outside to look for the Lorax. I looked everywhere trying to look for him, but I couldn’t find him. Suddenly, I saw something flying in the sky. I looked up, but it was only the Swomee-Swans flying in the dirty, polluted sky. I really wanted to find him, but I looked everywhere and he was nowhere to be found. I looked in the Grickle-grass, the polluted rivers, but I still couldn’t find the Lorax. It was getting dark, so I decided to go home and look for the Lorax tomorrow.
The next day, I woke up early and ate breakfast quickly, so I could head out and search for the Lorax.   I tried looking everywhere, but the Lorax was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I heard someone walking in the Grickle-grass. I looked in the Grickle-grass and I saw a small orange creature with a yellow mustache. It was the Lorax! I told the Lorax that the Once-ler had given me the last Truffla Seed. “Lets go plant the seed,” the Lorax exclaimed excitedly.
We went to a nice spot in the forest to plant the tree. I brought the dirt and the seed so that we could plant the tree. Day after day, the tree grew bigger and bigger. In one month, the tree was fully grown and we could pick the seeds off of the tree already. The Lorax started picking off the seeds that were on the tree. “We can pick off the seeds so that we can plant more trees,” he exclaimed. It took a long time to plant the other trees, but they grew bigger as time passed. The Lorax was very happy that the world could get the Truffla Trees back. ” Now we just have to find my animal friends”, the Lorax sobbed sadly.
The next day, the Lorax met me at the trees, so that we could go search for the animals. First, we looked around the trees, then in the grass, in the rivers, but we still couldn’t find the Swomee- Swans, the Bar-ba-loots, or the Humming-Fish. Soon, the Lorax saw the Swomee-Swans swooping down to eat some grass. The Lorax was very surprised when he saw the Humming-Fish return into the water and saw the Bar-ba-loots picking the fruit from the Truffula trees. He couldn’t believe the animals just appeared so quickly. “How did they arrive so quickly,” the Lorax asked confused? “I can’t thank you enough!”
The Lorax thanked me for what I had done to save the Earth. The sky and the rivers were not polluted anymore and the Earth looked like a new world!bar-ba-loot suits

Truffula Seed Story


Posted by annaf1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 6, 2015

                                                          IF I HAD THE LAST TRUFFULA SEED…

                                                                                     By: Annie

If I had the last Truffula seed, I would put it in a little bag and go find The Lorax. I found him sitting at a chopped down Truffula tree touching the chopped off tutreefts. When I started to talking to the Lorax I asked him if he was really good at planting Truffula trees. Then the Lorax replied, “Yes! I think I am!” I asked the Lorax if he would help me plant my Truffula seed given from the Once-ler. The Lorax was surprised and excited to plant the Truffula seed. The Lorax and I went to the forest I had found to plant the Truffula seed. After we were done planting the Truffula seed the Lorax went to go to get some water and I took good care of my Truffula seed while the Lorax was getting water.

Overtime the Truffula seeds grew larger. The Lorax and I opened some fruit and took the seeds out of the fruit. We planted more Truffula seeds. It turned into a humongous Truffula forest. The Lorax and I lived in the forest, while the Lorax went to look for the Swomee – Swans and fish. It was a beautiful forest!

After the Truffula trees filled the forest, the Lorax and I planted bar-ba-loot suitsTruffula seeds all around the town. Planting the Truffula seeds took a long, long time but we finally finished.

When we were done watering the Truffula trees and taking good care of the Truffula trees the animals came back and some of the animals started climbing the Truffula trees. The Swomee – Swans swam in a deep blue lake and the Humming – Fish were humming a nice song.

While the animals were playing the Lorax and I went for a walk around the forest. We saw many pink, purple , yellow, and green Truffula trees. The Lorax grinned from ear to ear and remarked how beautiful the trees looked. We returned to the forest and sat under a pink Truffula tree and we exclaimed, “So happy to have the animals back and this amazing beautiful clean Truffula tree forest!”

                                                                                             The End!                                    



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