Posted by annaf1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on April 1, 2015




easter bunny cuteOn Good Friday Jesus was nailed on the cross to forgive us for all of our sins. Three  days after he rose from the dead.  Mary went to go look if Jesus was still nailed on the cross but he was not there. Jesus was in a bed and Joseph was with him. That’s what Easter means to me. On Easter morning our family goes to church and sings Easter songs. After church we make lunch. For lunch we have turkey and potatoes and for dessert we have Jell-O.   After lunch we have to do the dishes. While the girls are doing the dishes the boys talk about Jesus. When we are done the dishes our cousins come over. When the parents sit down the kids get to find their Easter baskets. Last year when I found mine, there were chocolate ducks in it and chocolate eggs. Then we have dinner.   For dinner we have pizza everyone. After dinner we clean up and all of he kids play together. The parents talk about Jesus. After a while our cousins go home and we go to sleep. That’s how we celebrate Easter! Happy Easter!Happy Easter Gif 15

Comments (1)

Great work, Annie! You understand the importance of Easter, which is Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and then rising from the dead. It sounds like you have a wonderful time celebrating Easter with your family. Your Easter meal sounds delicious. My family and I also eat turkey as well. Have a Happy Easter! 🙂

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