What I Would do if I had the Last Truffula Seed


Posted by annab1516 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on June 14, 2016

What I Would do if I had the Last Truffula Seed

 By: Anna


 The Lorax was behind the Once-ler’s home and saw that the Once-ler gave me the last Truffula Seed.  The Once-ler felt sad for what he had done and decided to do the right thing and grow the Truffula Trees back. I smiled at the Once-ler, but he already went back to his hiding place.  I went off and dug a little hole beside a tree that was cut down. Now there was only a stump where the tree used to be. I began to think the hole was a bit too small, so I dug the hole. I put the seed into the hole and started to put the dirt back in the hole. Then I went home. I had only a small house. It had one little room where the bed was. The only time I went to my home was when I wanted to go home.  So I laid down in my bed and started snoring. The Lorax saw me and laughed. The seed that I planted started to grow into a Truffula Tree. It was very small, but it grew larger and larger every day. The next morning I decided to get more seeds from the Truffula Tree I had planted several months before. Now I got seeds from the tree. I didn’t plant them yet, because I wanted to go to bed. The Onceler started to feel worse and worse every day for what he had done. The next morning, I got out of bed, went outside, and started digging two more holes. I put one seed in each hole. The other Truffula Tree I had planted was already almost as big as the other ones that the Once-ler had chopped down. The Lorax and I took care of the Truffula Trees I had planted. The Lorax asked me if he should help me plant   more seeds. “Yes, but, we will have to get more seeds from the first Truffula Tree I planted. So We got the seeds from the tree then dug more holes for the seeds. The Lorax and I returned the Truffula Forest to its’ beauty. The animals came back to their home.  The Humming-Fish hummed and the Swomee-Swans sang, and the Bar-ba-loots enjoyed their tasty fruit under the Truffula Trees.






Comments (1)

Nice work, Anna! You understand a story has a middle, beginning, and end. Your story followed a logical series of events in order to solve the problem. You spent a great portion of your story explaining how you planted the last Truffula Seed. To make your story more interesting you could have explained where and how the animals returned to the Truffula Forest. Keep working on adding descriptive adjectives to your writing. Good work, Anna! 🙂

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