Snowman Comes to Life


Posted by susiefbds4 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on March 5, 2014

This is my paint roller snowman that I made in Art class! I also wrote a story about a snowman coming to life.   I hope you enjoy it.

snowman roller8

One chilly winter day I had an idea to build a snowman. I saw the snow had piled up from the last snowfall. I ran outside and started to roll a snowball in my backyard. I rolled and rolled till I had a huge ball.  I could not move it so I had to leave it where it was. I made another snowball for the middle and a small snowball for the head.   I went inside to get some blue buttons, mittens, hat, and a carrot for the nose. I placed the finishing touches on my snowman.  I was sure when I looked at the snowman he waved at me. I waved back nervously.  I did not know if it was my brother behind the snowman playing a trick on me or the snowman actually did wave.

I heard my mom calling me to come inside because I was outside for several hours. I went inside I told my mom I was sure the snowman I built waved at me.  My mom did not believe me and exclaimed, “That only happens in fictional books.” While I was eating my lunch. The snowman came to window and waved at me again. I stared at him for a minute and turned around to look at my mom to make sure she didn’t see me waving at the snowman. I hurriedly finished my lunch and told my mom I was going back outside to make a snow fort.

The snowman was waiting for me. I named the snowman Judy. We talked about what we would do today.   I was glad that it was the weekend.  We decided to make a snow fort right beside Judy. We made the snow fort big enough for Judy to fit in.  The snow fort could be Judy’s house. So we spent several hours making the snow fort. When I asked Judy to test out her snow fort Judy exclaimed, “I fit.  I can’t wait to sleep in my snow fort tonight.”

We thought about what we wanted to do. Finally Judy thought about sledding. “Sure,” I replied.   I went into the shed to get the sleds. We went to the park because there was a big hill there. We had great fun sledding down the bumpy hills.  When we came home it was time for me to go inside because it was getting dark and I had to go to school the next day.  When I came home from school, I went to play with Judy but she had melted because a Chinook had blown  in.           



Comments (1)

Nice work, Susie! You did a great job with the beginning of your story. You added detail on describing how you built Judy. I liked how you waved nervously (great word) back at Judy unsure if a snowman could come to life or if it was your brother playing a trick on you! Very creative adding your mother to the story who did not believe your snowman was real! You and Judy did some great activities such as, building a snow fort and sledding. However, I would have liked to see one more activity you did with Judy before she melted. I like how Judy melted from a Chinook, which is something we used in Social Studies. Keep up the great and hard work! 🙂

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