Snowman Comes to Life


Posted by bennybds4 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on March 7, 2014

This is my paint roller snowman.  I hope you like it.  I hope you enjoy my snowman story!



One cold day there was a boy, named Benny who wanted to make snowman. Benny went outside. “Wow,” Benny whispered to himself it is a perfect day for making a snowman. Benny stomped into a pile of snow. Benny started to take some snow to make the bottom of the snowman.   Benny rolled and rolled the ball until Benny couldn’t push the ball at all. Benny rolled and made the second ball Lastly, Benny started to roll the third ball. Benny went inside to get some buttons for eyes, buttons for the snowman body, a hat, a banana for the mouth. Benny came outside and put the items on the snowman.

Benny looked away for a little while. Benny heard the snowmen say “Hi,” but Benny was not sure if it was the snowman. Benny turned around to look at the snowman. Benny saw the snowman moving. The snowman asked, “Why don’t we have some cookies?” Benny went inside to get some cookies. Benny came outside to his snowman with his cookies. Benny asked the snowman, “Is it okay if I name you Peter?” The snowman replied, “Yes.” Benny and Peter ate the cookies.

When Benny and Peter ate the cookies they began to have snow ball fight. Benny and Peter made snow caves as protection for the snowball fight.  Benny ran into his snow cave and Peter ran into his snow cave.  The snowball fight began.  Once they were finished having the snowball fight Benny asked, “Do you want to play again or do you want to make some more caves?”  Peter replied, “No I am too tired.”

 Once it was getting dark Benny’s Mom called, “Time to go inside.” Benny didn’t want to go inside but Benny’s Mom commanded, “Benny time come inside.” Benny replied, “Good night,” to the snowman.

The next morning Benny had to go to school. At school Benny was worried about his snowman because the sun was shining brightly.  Benny thought his snowman would melt. After school Benny ran home to the back yard to visit his snowman, but his snowman melted!

                        The End                      


Comments (1)

Good work, Benny! You did a nice job with your introduction describing Benny what Benny wore and what the snowman he built looked like. I like that Benny provided Peter with a snack, enjoyed having a snowball fight and used the snow caves as protection from the snowball fight. However, I wish you added more detail to these activities and did one more activity with Peter. It was nice that you showed Benny was concerned about Peter melting because the sun was out! Keep working hard! 🙂

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