Science is Awesome!


Posted by bds4drayden | Posted in Grade 4 Science | Posted on March 10, 2014

In Science we completed the unit called light and shadows.  We learned about convex and concave lenses.  In class, we did a shadow play. Some people did the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Others did the Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Reindeer, The Big Bad Santa, The Three Bears, and Little Red Riding Hood!  We made kaleidoscopes, periscopes, binoculars, and telescopes. It was really fun. We learned that a periscope allows you to see around corners and over walls. We learned that binoculars are just two telescopes stuck together and you can see really far with them too! We learned that kaleidoscopes have many different shapes, colours, and designs. We learned that telescopes make things look closer than they really are. Here are some pictures below.















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