What Easter Means to Me


Posted by annagbds4 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on April 8, 2014

On Easter morning Jesus rose out of the grave. My family goes to church, we sing songs about Jesus, pray and have a celebratoin for one hour.  We invite our cousins, aunt, uncle , my sisters, and brothers.  Then we go home to have turkey, mashed potatoes and corn for lunch. After lunch we get to find our presents, candy, chocolate. Then we all go swimming in Medicine Hat to gather for one hour.Then we go to our cousins for supper and play lots of games with our faimly like hide and seek, duck, duck goose, and tag and we go home at ten o’clock. We all go back to our house for a midnight Easter hunt. Then my cousin, sister, bother, aunt and uncle leave to go home to sleep. That why IMG_0860Easter is important to me.                                 

Comments (1)

Nice job, Anna! It’s great that you understand Easter is about Jesus. It’s nice that your family attends church together to pray and sing songs for Easter. Sounds like you have a fun time with your relatives by going swimming, eating supper, and playing games. Wow! A midnight Easter hunt! Hope you use flashlights to find the hidden Easter baskets. Keep working hard! 🙂

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