What Easter Means to Me


Posted by gerhardbds4 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on April 8, 2014



On Easter morning we go to church and say prayers about Easter when Jesus died on the cross for our sins that we made. After Joseph took Jesus and put him in a grave. After three days  Jesus rose from the dead and flew back to heaven. When we come back from church my cousins come over. Then my Dad and my cousins hide Easter eggs. Then we got outside to find the eggs and we have a lot of fun. After all the eggs are found we have  to go inside to sing our songs we have learned at school. After my  cousins, my mom, and my dad give us lots of candy for singing our songs.  After we sing our songs we eat lunch.  After lunch we receive dessert like ice cream, popsicles, Freezies and a cake.


Comments (1)

Great work, Gerhard! It’s great that you understand that Easter is about Jesus. It’s nice that after church your cousins come over and you have enjoy finding the hidden Easter eggs. It’s wonderful that you share the songs with your family that you learned in German at school. Sounds like you have tasty desserts to eat after lunch! Ice cream would be my favourite! Keep working hard! 🙂

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