If I Had the Last Truffula Seed


Posted by dylanp1415 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on May 7, 2015

humming fish picture

 If I Had The Last Truffula Seed…

By: Dylan

If I had the last Truffula seed, I would bring it home and put it in a safe place. After I got the seed from the Once-ler I thought I should find the Lorax to help me grow the Truffula seed. I went to The Street of The Lifted Lorax and looked around. I saw nothing.  I walked around. Then I saw something yellow sitting in the Grickle-grass. It was the Lorax! I ran to him and exclaimed, “Lorax will you help me grow the last Truffula seed?”   “Yes I will help you grow the Truffula seed,” he exclaimed. “Let’s go home and plant it,” the Lorax yelled.

We arrived at The Street of the Lifted Lorax and planted it in the ground. “Let’s water it with cold fresh water and give it fresh soft soil,” I remarked. “Alright, I’ll get the soil and the water,” the Lorax replied as he was sprinting to the hose. After we watered the Truffula seed we went to bed.

In the morning, we went to water the Truffula seed and we saw the Truffula tufts on the top of the tree! It was amazing.  They did feel like silk and smelled like butterfly milk just like the Once-ler had said!

After a couple of weeks the Truffula seed turned into a Truffula tree and we got the seeds that were in the Truffula fruits. We planted many of the Truffula trees at The Street of the Lifted Lorax and in town.  We went around watering them all day till dark. 

The Lorax and I decided that The Street of the Lifted Lorax was beginning to look beautiful again; we decided to find animals that once lived here.  First we decided to search for the Bar-ba-loots. We went a long way out town.  Finally, in the distance we saw something brown.  We saw many brown fluffy things. We started to run and follow them.  It was the Bar-ba-loots! We told the Bar-ba-loots we had grown many Truffula trees because the Once-ler had saved on last Truffula seed.  The place where they once lived was beautiful again.   The Bar-ba-loots looked so excited.  They followed us back home.   When we arrived, the Bar-ba-loots ate so many Truffula fruits until they could not eat anymore.

After we found the Bar-ba-loots we decided we should find the Humming-Fish.  We went the same way, but farther down where there was a pond. We noticed the Humming-Fish. They were swimming in a dirty pond.  They looked unhealthy. We explained to them that we have made the place where they once lived beautiful again. They looked so surprised and started to hum a song of joy.

The following day, we went to The Street of The Lifted Lorax.  The Humming-Fish were humming again and the Bar-ba-loots were eating Truffula fruits.  The Lorax was worried about the Swomee-Swans, so we decided to look for them.  “We might not find them today. I will pack some sleeping bags and food” I remarked to the Lorax. We walked quite far out of town, but we didn’t find them.  It was getting dark so we laid down our sleeping bags and went to bed.

The next day, the Lorax and I kept searching.  We walked miles. We saw something in the air.   It looked like a flock. It was the Swomee-Swans.  We screamed at the top of our lungs come down, come down.  They came down and looked puzzled as to why the Lorax and I would be looking for them. The Lorax explained that the Street of the Lifted Lorax is beautiful again and they could return again.  The Swomee-Swans flapped their wings in excitement.  We started heading back, but it was getting dark and we camped another night.

In the morning, we started heading back to town. When we got back to town the Swomee-Swans flew off.  The Lorax and I started to relax.  Everything was back to normal.  The Once-ler opened the door and came outside and looked around.  He told us that we did an excellent job.  He also told us he learned how terrible his actions were for destroying the environment.




Comments (1)

Nice work, Dyaln. You understand a story has a beginning, middle, and an end. It was smart to replant the Truffula seed on the Street of the Lifted Lorax and around town. This ensured more seeds could be removed and replanted. The Lorax and you were very persistent in searching for the animals that once lived with the beautiful Truffula trees. Keep working on adding descriptive details and adjectives to your writing. You included details that often were not necessary, such as, going to sleep and eating. In addition, be sure to continue working on your run-on sentences, punctuation, and capitalization. Keep working hard! 🙂

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