Bird Skype


Posted by willyh1516 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on November 2, 2015

We Skyped with Bird Studies Canada. They live in Ontario. They were also biologists. They showed us the Ruby Crowned Kinglet, the Fox Sparrow, and the Warbler. We were hoping we could see an owl but the biologist doubted they would catch one.  The biologists had a surprise for us!


They taught us a lot of things like the claws and how they band the birds.They put the band on  slowly on with a tong.They also taught us about the beak. The Fox Sparrow was very fuzzy like a fox.  It was tiny, had gray head, and brown body.  It even enjoys seeds and has a big bill. The Ruby Crowned Kinglet weighed as light as a loonie, which is 7 grams.The Ruby Crowned Kinglet also had a red crown on its’ head. The  Warbler weighed as much as 5 loonies.  The Warbler had a black and yellow rump on its back. It also had a yellow bottom. The Warbler enjoys berries. The Saw-Whet Owl was a bit chubby with big yellow eyes. The Saw-Whet  Owl had a high pitched coo, coo, coo sound. It had a white catlike face. It was really enjoyable learning about the birds because it was my first time learning about all of the different birds. My favourite part was were they taught us about the Saw-Whet Owl because it looked so cute!

Comments (1)

Nice work, Willy! You did a great job explaining the birds we saw by providing what they looked like and what they eat. Continue working on adding descriptive language to your writing to make it even more interesting to the reader. I agree the Saw-Whet Owl was cute! I liked how you kept your ideas together and did not jump around from idea to idea. Your video related well to the Saw-Whet Owl and was neat to see how they released the owl. It was great you included a picture for each of the words. Keep working hard! 🙂

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