Skype on Birds


Posted by 1516paulinad | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on November 2, 2015

ruby crowned kingletToday was an awesome day because we Skyped with Bird Studies in Ontario.They showed us all types of birds that they caught.The first bird they showed us was the Ruby Crowned Kinglet. It was cool because it had a red circle filled in red on top of its’ head.  It also weighs as much as a loonie. It had yellow stripes on its wings. The second bird was the Fox Sparrow.  It looked just like a fox.  It had long claws that it used to dig under the ground to find its food. It had a chubby body and it had brown,white, and black sparrow

yellow rumped wabbler.Northern-Saw-whet-OwlThe third one was a surprise! It was a baby Saw-Whet Owl!!   It was so cute.  It had brown, white, and black colours on it. The fourth bird was a Warbler.  It also had a yellow spot on its tail.  The warbler had a thin long bill and a slender body. The coolest thing they showed us was how they put on the band. They used a tong and put the band into the hole that was on the tong and put it on the bird. It was so funny when they weighed them because they had to put the bird upside down onto this black scale. The reason why they had to put the bird in upside down was because they could not fly away. The birds would stay around for a few days and then they would fly out into the wild. They also had nets outside and they would check them every fifteen to twenty minutes. The cool thing was that when they held the birds they took their feet and put them between their fingers and held them tight to place the band on.The biologist said that it did not hurt them. The biologists would catch about 300 birds in one morning.  My favourite things that I enjoyed about Skyping was when they showed us the baby owl, how they weigh them, and how they put on the band.







Comments (1)

Fantastic work, Paulina! You did a fantastic job explaining what the birds looked like and what they eat. You added detail to your blog post and this gives the reader information they may have not known about birds. Excellent detail describing how they band the birds and release the birds. I agree weighing the birds upside down was funny and I was excited about seeing the Saw-Whet Owl. Your pictures related well to your blog post and the colour of writing you selected showed up well. I like how kept your ideas together as well! Keep up the hard work, Paulina! 🙂

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