Bird Skype


Posted by reva1516 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on November 3, 2015

???????????????????????????????Today was an awesome day because we got to Skype with Bird Studies Canada. They were called biologists and caught all kinds of birds. They showed us 4 or 5 birds and 1 baby owl. The biologists live in Ontario and they study birds. There was the Ruby Crowned Kinglet.  It was as light as a loonie, which is about 7 grams. The Ruby Crowned Kinglet bird was red, brown, and black. We  saw a Fox Sparrow, which was the second bird. The Fox Sparrow looked fuzzy like a fox.  The Fox Sparrow had sharp claws so it could dig with its’ feet underground to find food.  The third bird was a Saw-Whet Owl. It had a small head. The last bird was a Yellow Rumped Warbler. The Yellow Rumped Warbler was yellowish and brownish. The Yellow Rumped Warbler had a yellow spot on its tail. The Yellow Rumped Warbler had a thin long bill.  After they showed us the birds they let them fly away. They used a tong and put the band into the hole that was on the tong and put it on the bird. It was funny when they weighed the birds because they had to  put the bird upside down onto the black scale.yellow rumed warblerThe reason they had to put them upside down was so they would not fly away. The birds stayed there for a few days and then they fly back into the wild again. They didn’t show us a robin or a blue jay. They also had nets to catch the birds. They had to check on them every fifteen to twenty minutes. The best thing about Skyping was the cute owl

Comments (1)

Great work, Eva! You explained the different birds well by including details on what they looked like and what they eat. Keep working on adding descriptive adjectives to your writing, as this will allow your writing to be even more interesting to the reader. I agree it was funny that weighed the birds backwards. It was a great treat to see the Saw-Whet Owl. Your pictures related well to the birds we saw during the Skype presentation. Keep working hard! 🙂

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