Skyping About Birds


Posted by evan1516 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on November 5, 2015

We Skyped with Bird Studies Canada in Ontario.We studied different kinds of birds like the Ruby Crowned Kinglet.  It was pretty cool because it had a red spot on its’ head, so that means it is a male. It also weighs about  7  grams.  That is how much a loonie weighs!

We also studied the Fox Sparrow.  It was very fuzzy like a fox.  The Fox Sparrow had a tiny gray head and brown wings. The Fox Sparrow enjoys eating seeds and this is why it has a thick bill to crack the seeds open.

We had surprise bird visitor!! It was a Saw-Whet Owl!!!!!!!!! It was a tiny owl, white catlike face, large head with yellow eyes. The owl makes a high pitched coo, coo sound.

We also saw a Yellow Rumped Warbler with a black and yellow rump on its tail.  The Yellow Rumped Warbler enjoy berries.

The biologists band the bird with a plastic ring.  They take the tong, put the ring around the birds feet.  The biologists clip it on the birds feet and that is how they know that they are banded there. They weigh them in a black container upside down, so that they cannot fly away.  After they weigh the birds, they are put  in a box.  After they are weighed the biologists release the birds into the wild. My favourite bird was the Saw-Whet Owl because we saw it up close!

Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Fox Sporrow
Fox Sparrow


yellow rumped warbler
Yellow Rumped Warbler


Saw-Whet Owi
Saw-Whet Owl





Comments (1)

Nice work, Eva! You described what the birds look like and what they eat well. You also, did a great job describing how they weigh the birds. A suggestion for your next writing project, is be sure you stay away from doing this: and then they did this and then they did this. Instead, turn them into sentences with correct punctuation. This ensures that your writing is more interesting and concise. Continue working on adding more detail and description to your writing, as this will make your writing more interesting. Your pictures related well to your blog post and I am impressed you figured out how to label the pictures! Great video too. Keep working hard, Eva! 🙂

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