Skype on Birds


Posted by peterl1516 | Posted in Language Arts | Posted on November 6, 2015

Today we Skyped about birds. The  first  bird  was  a  Ruby Crowned Kinglet because it had a red  cap  on its’ head.  It only  weighs as much as a loonie,  that  is  seven  grams. Another  type  of  bird  was  the Fox  Sparrow.  It was very  fuzzy  like a fox.  The  bottom  of the Fox Sparrow is  white and the body is  brown. The Saw-Whet Owl is all  brown  with white  spots, tiny  white cat  like face and the  owl  can  turn  its  head  all  the way around.   Northern-Saw-whet-OwlThe  owls  face looks  like a heart.   The  Yellow Rumped Warbler has a  yellow  dot  on  its   back  and   loves   berries.  The biologists  said  the birds need bracelets, which is a band to help track them in the wild. The  biologists  use a  machine and then they turn the bird upside  down  and  then they can weigh the bird. © A.Morris/VIR They also told us what the birds were called. My favourite part was when they let the birds go.  My favourite bird was the Ruby Crowned  Kinglet because they have a red crown on their head.Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3-M
















Comments (2)

Nice work, Peter! You explained what the birds looked like and what they ate. Continue working on adding more detail and descriptive language to your writing. This a goal for you on your next writing project. I thought it was funny that they weigh the birds upside down, so they do not fly away! I liked when the released the birds as well. Keep working hard, Peter! 🙂

Dear Peter,

Great post Peter, that must have been a lot of fun. I just have a question. Do you like the school lunches at your school? If so, whats your favorite lunch?


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